Jan Harris – Office Manager

Jan came on staff in 2020.  Jan has been a dedicated member of the Hartselle church for more than 40 years. We appreciate Jan and her warm smile for answering the phone and greeting individuals as they stop by the building. To reach out to Jan call 256.773.6124 or email her at jharris@hartsellecoc.org
Britny began as Director of the Lighthouse in 2023. Britny has worked as a teacher in the Lighthouse for a number of years and loves children! To reach out to Britny call 256.612.4205 or email her at thelighthouseathcoc@yahoo.com
Keith & Karen Wilemon- Environmental Services
Keith and Karen have been working on keeping the building clean and orderly since 2018. They work hard and do a great job around the building. We appreciate them very much! 

Hours/Address/Directions and Contacts ===>